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Kangal sleeping, Kangal butt
Nothing like a puppy butt to brighten your day

Daisy Mae modeling a new dress
Daisy Mae, Nigerian Dwarf

Maggie Blue with her brand new baby
Myotonic/ Nigerian Dwarf doeling with blue eyes

It's a RUFF life

Daisy Mae
Spoiled rotten bottle kid, Nigerian Dwarf

Black Locust chicken model
Hen trying on dresses

Lil Bo Peep
Cindy Lou's doeling in a yellow dress

Lil Bo Peep
brand new doeling kid

Kangal puppies
Our eyes are open

Kaan with Astrid and Celeste
First day on the job as a guardian, Kaan is meeting the lambs

Lil Bo Peep
screaming lil kid

Golden Nugget Boo
Myotonic/ Nigerian Dwarf Goat kid
Life on the Homestead with Katahdin Sheep, lambs, Dexter Cattle, and Kangal Dogs
We enjoy this simple life of doing what our grandparents did- with some of the modern conveniences of today. We believe that a stress free environment is conducive to happy, healthy, productive animals and strive for stress free as much as possible. All of our animals are handled with care on a daily basis.
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