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Lamb Snuggles? 

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

Everett holding a lamb

You ever have unchecked items on your bucket list? One of them wouldn't happen to be to snuggle a newborn baby lamb, would it? You probably wouldn't believe how many times we have heard this. You spoke up, we listened. Last year we hosted on the farm lamb snuggles for the public. It was difficult but we made it happen. We are bringing in some reinforcement this year!! 

Vera sitting on a hay bale with momma and lamb
Happy in the hay. Yes, please take my picture
Libby loves lambs too
Even the adults love to hold and snuggle the lambs
Cheese. and lambs
Shepard even gets to snuggle
Denise with lamb and dam
Claire and Calvin holding a lamb
Christian teaching children how to feed the sheep and cows

Lamb Snuggles 2025
Message for 1:1
We will not have an open invite, you will have to schedule a farm visit 

Lamb Snuggles 2025. Message us for a farm visit. 

What to expect. 

If it is a wet winter- MUD, lots of mud. That is free!

* unlimited number of photos (with your phone/ camera).

* grain bucket (we provide) to feed treats to mommas. 

* unlimited lamb snuggles

* safe and secure area   


* NO CHASING LAMBS (mommas are very protective)

* NO RUNNING (this is very frightening to the animals)



Christian & Chasity Corriveau
239 Henry Bayless Rd
Ardmore, TN 38449

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