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Kangal puppies
Our first trip in the goat paddock

Our newest bottle calf

Socks lovin'

Kangal puppies
Our first trip in the goat paddock
About Black Locust Katahdins
We raise registered Katahdin Hair Sheep on our small farm located in Southern Middle Tennesssee. We are approximately 1.5 hours south of Nashville, TN. 40 mins north of Huntsville, Al. We are all natural, pasture- raised farm. Vaccinated with CD&T. Fecal floats performed on regular intervals to prevent unnecessary use of anthelmintics. Negative for OPP & Johne's. We genotype at codon 171 for scrapie susceptibility.
We also raise Dexter Cattle, and Kangal Dogs. Feel free to navigate this site and explore all of the things we do on the farm.

Nothing like a lil puppy butt
Let me rest my head on your butt, please

Red Collar boy saying Hi to a lamb

Kangal puppy

Ivory with lambs

Storm with lambs

Freckles with lambs

Brownie with Lucy

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